Our Mission

The Tiny Whoop Club Network brings people of all ages and backgrounds together to explore the possibilities of tiny flight and build friendships across the global community.

What can the TWCN do for local Tiny Whoop Clubs?

  • Add your club's pin to the official TWCN map to help new pilots find and join your local Tiny Whoop club
  • Membership to the official Tiny Whoop Club Network and recognition as an accredited Tiny Whoop club
  • Access to club management resources
  • Access to cloud resources, race control software & event management system for running real world and esports events
  • Official club listing in the TWGO simulator and the ability to build your own club tracks for anyone around the world to fly

Thanks for checking out the club network everyone!

I'm really proud of the project and the people that have worked hard to make the TWCN something that can give the most help and support possible to pilots and clubs around the world! If you are a local Tiny Whoop club organizer and you have an idea of some way I can use my resources to help clubs and pilots I would like to personally invite you to join an upcoming roundtable meeting!

To join the Tiny Whoop Club Network, click membership above and join us!
Thank you again, and as always, whoop on!

- Jesse Perkins